Aaron 'TEEJAY' Trevena (hashbangperl) wrote,
Aaron 'TEEJAY' Trevena

emacs keybindings for Padre

I've been meaning to play with Padre (An Editor/IDE written in Perl) as it has perl extensions and therefore I can do with it, what lisp gurus can do with emacs, without the use of mind-altering drugs or lambda calculus.

This evening, in the space of 90 minutes I was able to add some very basic emacs keybindings, only a handful, and some of them work, while some still have their original bindings, despite using "$self->CmdKeyClear(ord('w'),Wx::wxMOD_ALT());" which should unbind them. Bah.

Anyway, that's enough for now, but it has encouraged me to hack on it some more when I get the chance and to start integrating autodia based tools for generating and creating documentation and code at the click of a mouse.
Tags: autodia, emacs, hacking, padre, perl

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